作者Kai877 (淡江吳籤)
標題[花邊] Jaxson Hayes左腳踝扭傷 一到二週後評估
時間2024-11-14 10:37:00
Lakers injury update: Jaxson Hayes had an MRI to confirm a left ankle sprain tha
t occurred during practice Tuesday. He will be re-evaluated in around one to two
Jaxson Hayes照了MRI後,確認於週二訓練時發左腳踝扭傷,將會在一到二週後重新評估
JJ Redick has been praising how well Jaxson Hayes was playing his role; said it
’s certainly unfortunate that he hurt the ankle. Redick expects Christian Kolok
o to fill in as the primary backup big, though they could explore some small gro
ups, matchup depending.
JJ Redick說將由Christian Koloko頂替其位子
Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro Max
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