According to a Grizzlies spokesperson, Taylor Jenkins is currently away from the team due to a personal matter related to a death in the family. Tuomas Iisalo w ill be the acting coach tonight in his place against the Lakers. 據球隊透露,灰熊總教練Taylor Jenkins因家人過世而會缺席今天灰熊與湖人的比賽。將由 助理教練Tuomas lisalo代替其執教。 心得:R.I.P -- Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro Max PiTT // PHJCI -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
YeSerD : R.I.P 11/07 06:02
popogreentea: R.I.P 11/07 06:08
axi : R.I.P. 11/07 06:14
qq0526 : Rip 11/07 06:25
sampsonlu919: RIP 11/07 06:41
JH4748 : 節哀.. 11/07 08:51
JackyPayton : R.I.P. 11/07 09:07