Breaking news: G League general managers have been informed that a “Jonathan Wa ll,” will be GM for the Washington Wizards’ affiliate Capital City Go-Go, acco rding to league sources. G League executives are now waiting for confirmation wh ether this is in fact *the* John Wall… G League的總經理們被通知巫師G League球隊首都Go-Go隊聘請了Jonathan Wall擔任他們的 總經理。然後G League管理層都在等待確認是不是那個”John Wall”。 G League personnel are abuzz in group chats. "I don't think it's the same John Wall?" said one general manager "We're all confused," said another. G League工作人員的群組在裡面議論紛紛。 一個總經理稱:”應該不是同一個John Wall…吧?” 另一個則說:”我們都很困惑。” To clarify: It's not, in fact, the former NBA All-Star. Capital City will be le d by Johnathan Wall, a Harvard Law-educated, former player agent of The Familie, sources said. 實際上,他不是那個前NBA全明星。首都隊將會由一名名為Jonathan Wall的人管理,他是哈 佛畢業生,原本是Familie經紀公司的經紀人。 巫師聘請John Wall 一片混亂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址:
pneumo : 我大巫師就是這麼歡樂 10/04 23:23
love1500274 : 將~~臥~~ 10/04 23:24
WIGGINS22 : 樓下宮西25 10/04 23:24
tomlee1130 : 傳奇球星Jordan將擔任今年巫師的全職控衛 10/04 23:25
kobe30418 : 巫師真的是很特別的球隊 10/04 23:25
bm1041644 : 巫師很巫師啊 10/04 23:26
cysticercus : 巫師本來就綜藝路線R 也不看看是誰的球隊 10/04 23:27
VL1003 : 其實我比較想知道,他們是希望他是牆哥還不是 XD 10/04 23:35
SCLPAL : 你好 我哈佛將沃 10/04 23:39
e8e88 : 江~~~~納森沃 10/04 23:44
justaID : 這是什麼綜藝劇本lol 10/04 23:48
asd860079 : 好啊 神主牌回來了 各位抓緊囉 10/05 01:48
DPP48 : 叫你總仔出來打(誤 10/05 02:29
Qorqios : Family 10/05 09:50
Miyanishi25 : 蔣~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~窩~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/05 09:51
THCxyz : 以為是什麼拼音問題,結果真的有 10/05 10:44
pippen2002 : ??? 啥米? 10/05 11:19