昨天晚上Damian Lewis上Stephen Colbert的The Late Show,在訪談的結尾Stephen問 Damian是否有什麼新聞要宣布: Damian: Well....Bobby, Bobby's back, Axe is back Prince總統選不上了嗎? -- See everybody's working to hold on to what they know So I guess I kept believe in my tonight will never go Some spend a lifetime searchin' trying to figure out When hell stops and heaven begins How soon is now? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址:
kei2363013: 還要回來喔?我都半棄劇了說 03/01 08:59
DancePotato: Prince 這角色實在撐不起反派的氣場,還是要靠 Axe 03/01 13:15
tree748596: Axe! Axe! 03/01 13:32